During the afternoon session, Jose stole us away so we could see the beach and parts of the city. He's the best! Jose is the host dad of Mark and Sarah. He has become my new best friend. He's the cutest man and showed me his collection of pictures (family, vacations, everything!) for about 3 hours! His wife Alicia was also very nice and let me try Mate for the first time!
We slept in Cabanas, which were a change from my heated apartment and I ended up sleeping in gloves and shoes. Sarah and Mark were gracious enough to even give me the heater to put in my room, but I was still cold. I took a shower and had kind of a Cooper Peaty (I have NO idea how to spell that) experience. Only my parents will understand this reference. I'm glad I got to experience the conference and see a new part of Chile, but I must say it was nice to return to my oh so luxurious apartment!
I had lunch with two missionaries from the U.S. who are in their 10th and final year in Santiago. We made so many connections! I loved it! They lived in Spain and attended the same church I worked at two years ago. Her roommate from Baylor works at Truett. She knows Dr. Hall, who I know through Cara Jane. The list keeps going! The best part, besides the English, was the food....I absolutely love casseroles!
I taught Children's Church on Sunday. Un desastre! It went ok, but teaching children in another language is a whole different ballgame. I hope to improve my skills before next time. Well, I guess that's about all for now....wait, Chile plays it's first World Cup game tomorrow at 7:30 a.m.! Go Chile!
Things I've Learned:
Chilean prisoners are allowed to have cell phones.
There is a thing as too much bread. I didn't think I could ever get tired of bread, but yes, there comes a point when I might choose a vegetable over a loaf of bread. So depressing...
My new life calling is to be a bag of tea. Just think about what a wonderful job a teabag has. It's soul purpose is to float in a hot cup of water. They never get cold. A professional hot tub test, now I could do that.
Cell phones don't have a silent option? I'm sure they do, but it seems normal here for cell phones to go off all throughout meetings, and the people answer them!
My name will always be misspelled.
Waco is known for the Branch Dividians all the way in Chile! I've had several people ask me about it.
Santiago is good for the face!!! Either there's something in the water or my Accutane has decided to kick in 5 years late. Acne free here! My chin has NEVER looked so good!
My walk to and from the bus every day
Just like AZ. Mountains and a wash!
My apartment building
Trying maté for the first time...seriously looks illegal!
Luxury overnight bus! Comfy lean back recliners! Much better than an airplane...
Leadership Retreat in La Serena...80 leaders from all over Chile.
I've come to find out that the name "Katelyn" just might be the most difficult name to say in the Spanish language. I don't think it has been spelled right once. This time, for our name tags, we wrote down our names for them to copy in order to ensure success!!! Welp, maybe next time...
Our Cabanas
My new best friend Jose!
The four of us on the beach
Beach and Mountains. Can't get better than that! (Well, maybe if it were beach and mountains during warm weather)
The Chilean coast from the bus...this was the view for 6 hours!
Jose loves solo shots. I don't. He forced me to take one, so I tried to make it as awkward as possible without being disrespectful. Didn't come out as funny as I was hoping, but Mark and Sarah sure were laughing when I popped my foot back.
loving your blog and keeping up with your adventures in chile! keep it up!